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Lee Common Church of England School

Robins and Swallows Class

Welcome to Robins and Swallows Class 


Your Class Teacher is Miss Taylor, supported by our wonderful support staff!


Throughout KS1, children develop their ability to become increasingly independent in their learning. We follow the National Curriculum in all areas of our learning.


In English, the children will explore a range of texts throughout the year. We will learn the key features of different text types and have a go at writing our own recounts, reports, diary entries, instructions, narratives and poetry. We use Talk 4 Writing during our narrative writing lessons to help build on our vocabulary and storytelling skills.

There is a daily focus on phonemic blending, spelling, reading, writing, grammar and speaking and listening.


In Mathematics, we work on and develop our skills and knowledge in a variety of focus areas from the National Curriculum. We use a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources to help us learn new concepts, build on prior learning and consolidate our knowledge of different concepts.  


We work with a Topic focus which covers our History, Geography, Art, and Design and Technology learning. This enables us to explore exciting themes in depth and through a wide range of varied learning opportunities.


We take part in PE every week, exploring different team games and building on our gross motor skills through activities such as throwing and catching.


We follow National Curriculum themes for our Science learning, covering topics such as ‘Materials’ and ‘Animals including humans’. Our Science lessons are practical and exciting and allow us to develop our enquiry and investigation skills.


We take part in weekly Forest School sessions which we love! Learning and exploring outside helps us to build on skills such as speaking and listening, risk taking and communication. We learn about nature and the world around us through games, independent exploration and creative activities.

We have weekly RE and PSHE sessions where we learn about Faith, Community, Love, Forgiveness, Respect, Truth and Perseverance.

KS1 Autumn 1 Curriculum Map
